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Writing across the Curriculum

Turning original ideas into insightful products




From an original inspiration, students use their imaginations, careful analysis, and copious feedback–not only to edit, but also to rethink and transform their written work.


MKA’s multidisciplinary and research-informed approach to helping students hone their writing skills is process-oriented: Students are expected to brainstorm, organize, draft, revise, rethink, and refine their writing. Through this feedback-driven process, students learn not only to improve their writing—so essential to their lives beyond MKA—but also to develop deeper expertise in the subject matter. Conferring with teachers, who act as guides and coaches, is essential to the writing process and is a hallmark of MKA’s program.

Our faculty provide both reluctant and enthusiastic writers with the instruction and feedback they need to grow. Through intentional practice, students learn how to handle any writing challenge that they encounter—how to break down a writing assignment and get started, to form questions, to create a hypothesis or thesis, to seek and give help, and to process and use feedback to make adjustments.


As a result, MKA graduates durable and confident writers, who consistently report that their college professors are impressed with their writing and that their peers seek them out as writing coaches. In MKA’s most recent young alumni survey, graduates gave the highest marks possible to their analytical writing skills, and many commented that the skills they learned at MKA are essential to their scholarly and professional lives. With this foundation, MKA graduates have the tools to tell any story they want.