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Alumni Council

Alumni are the link to MKA's heritage and the key to our future. As the Alumni Council, we work to advance the interests and promote the welfare of the school and its alumni. We welcome your involvement and support and invite you to join us in networking and engagement opportunities, events, Reunion Weekend, the bestowing of alumni awards, development work,  and more. 

Take the alumni council questionnaire 

Meet the Alumni Council

Led by a dedicated group of alumni volunteers, the Alumni Council organizes activities that advance the interests of MKA and its alumni and promotes a closer relationship and better understanding between the school and its graduates. The council consists of up to 25 members, who may serve up to three consecutive three-year terms. Four meetings are held during the school year, and each member serves on one of the three working committees: Awards, Development, and Engagement. The council is governed by the Alumni Association By-Laws.

If you would like to join, please contact Alumni Council President Caitlin DiRuggiero ’06  or complete the Alumni Council Questionnaire. 

Executive Committee

Council Members