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Statement of Purpose

Connected to the fundamental principles found in MKA’s mission – Knowledge, Vision, and Integrity – this Diversity and Inclusion Statement of Purpose defines our community’s aspirational beliefs and actions:

We believe that a diversity of experiences presented through a rigorous multicultural curriculum develops our global cultural competency. To cultivate a love of learning, we encourage ourselves to explore and appreciate differences and similarities, to challenge stereotypes and to acknowledge the range of perspectives within and outside of our community.

We uphold that an inclusive school environment fosters a culture of mutual respect, moral responsibility and academic excellence. To recognize complexity and value empathy, we welcome, embrace, support and encourage our entire community: its races, cultures, genders and sexualities, its experiences and economics, its aspirations, abilities and affiliations.

We strive for equity and social justice as the foundation for our engagement with an increasingly complex world. To promote full and active citizenship and leadership, we engage with the world through the strength of our ethical convictions and recognize our deep interdependence with others.