The Eighth Grade Closing Exercises were held in Logan Auditorium on Friday, June 9. Proud parents and family members joined with the MKA faculty, administration, and Trustees to reflect on the students’ time at the Middle School. Head of School Nigel D. Furlonge recognized the families, school leadership, class advisors, and teachers who were so integral to the success of the eighth graders, and he exhorted the students to “learn and live with integrity, a core value of our school’s mission.”
Student leaders noted the significant milestone of leaving Middle School behind. Layla Lynch, Student Government President, shared her optimism when she said, “What I think is the most exciting part is that the future is not a fixed destination that has already been determined but rather a journey that we will create together through our choices, actions, and dreams.” Student Government Vice President Alex Scuorzo squeezed 10 years of memories into a six-minute speech, and in so doing, made the group laugh and maybe cry. He definitely touched upon the special times the students shared as they learned and grew through such important years.
In closing the ceremony, Head of Middle School Dr. Carlaina Bell said to the students, “You are ready for high school. You are ready for new challenges and ready to make choices that will challenge your courage. You are ready to learn new material in new ways and ready to contribute to a new campus or school because you have already accomplished that and more at the Middle School.”
Congratulations to the Eighth Grade Class of 2023!
To view more photos from the 8th grade closing ceremony visit