The Upper School Robotics Team brought their passion for STEM to the Middle School, facilitating three exciting afternoons of collaborative activities. This three-day after-school program aimed to ignite students' curiosity as the older students shared their love of science, technology, engineering, and math in a fun and engaging way. Led by their Upper School mentors, Middle School students were divided into age and interest groups, before embarking on a choose-your-own-adventure journey through various STEM fields and tackling projects related to electricity, coding, design, building, and environmental science.
The exploration began with the Upper School students introducing design thinking principles and engineering applications. Middle Schoolers then put theory into practice, building simple motors to understand how electromagnetic energy transforms into mechanical energy. Day two delved deeper, exposing students to diverse STEM disciplines. They explored coding basics, constructed mini-drones, and even started building mini-hydraulic lifts. Day three brought the learning to life as students combined their newfound skills. They honed their coding, test-ran their mini-drones, and collaborated on the classic marshmallow/spaghetti challenge. The Middle Schoolers especially enjoyed being introduced to the MKA Robot by the Upper School Robotics Team.
This collaborative program fostered a spirit of exploration and innovation among MKA's Middle and Upper School students. We look forward to seeing the potential of these young minds as they continue to delve deeper into the exciting world of STEM.