The Review
The MKA Review magazine is published in the fall and spring each year. Submissions for articles written by alumni, as well as news for Class Notes are welcomed. Deadlines for inclusion are December 15 and May 15. Class Notes and articles should be sent to the Alumni Engagement Office by email or phone, 973-509-7939.
If you are not currently receiving the Review magazine and would like to, please contact the Alumni Engagement Office by email or phone, 973-509-7939.
Spring 2024
Cougar Chronicles
Cougar Chronicles an electronic newsletter published monthly by the Alumni Engagement Office. If you would like to contribute news for the Chronicles or update an email address to ensure delivery of the newsletter, please contact the Alumni Engagement Office by email or phone, 973-509-7939.
If you have lost contact with the school and would like to get back in touch, please update your information. You can also get in touch with other alumni via LinkedIn.
Yearbook Archive
The MKA Archives Department is continuously working to create a digitized collection of yearbooks. The yearbooks that are not on this list are still being digitized and will be uploaded as they become available. We invite you to view the yearbooks that have been digitized and hope you enjoy this look into the history of our great school!
MKA Newspaper Archives
MKA Archives is engaged in digitizing the collection of newspapers from Montclair Academy, The Kimberley School, and Montclair Kimberley Academy. This ongoing process includes issues back to 1929, so please check back if you do not see the years that you are looking for.
Please email if you have any questions or comments about the collection.