Global Curriculum
A foundational philosophy of MKA is that our students must not only care about their studies, but must also care deeply about how they conduct their personal, professional, and political lives as a member of a global community. To that end, a focus on ethics, the formation of character, and our global responsibility is embedded throughout the MKA curriculum.
This course will help prepare students to be ethical, engaged, and informed members of the global community. The course interweaves lessons on Global Issues, Ethics & Leadership, and Information Literacy through focusing on the key themes of fairness & justice, community & responsibility, and choice & consequence.
When students are given the opportunity to engage in a Global curriculum...
. . . they are encouraged to think more carefully about who they are and what they want to do with their life because they are discovering the lives of other peoples and civilizations
. . . they become more creative and critical thinkers and find themselves in the position to affect social and political change because they are encouraged to build bridges between themselves and others.
. . . they can apply what they study in the classroom in a global setting
. . . they are provided with the tools to become ETHICal, INFORMed, GLOBAL citizens. (the motto of the Global Citizenship Course)